O be careful little eyes what you see, what you see.

Oh, be careful little eyes what you see
Oh, be careful little eyes what you see
For the Father up above is looking down in love
Oh, be careful little eyes what you see. *clap clap*
Remember this song from kindergarten? It really does highlight something important for us to note. The eyes are the most powerful stimulus we have as human beings- it is our primary means of gaining information of the world around us, and is (apparently,) our most evolved sensory system of all the five. It's no wonder then, that phrases and maxims such as "the eyes are the window to the soul" and "a picture speaks a thousand words" exist and pervade our 21st century lifestyle. Even when we travel, we desperately take photo after photo, trying to retain the visualness of our experience in order to jog our memory and help us remember those special moments.
For Christians, this- as in all things- is a double-edged sword. The dangers of this powerful stimulus is that it opens a whole world of temptation and sins of the eyes- no wonder then, that 1 John 2:15-16 talks about the "lust of the eyes" amongst the three primary sins that pervade Mankind.

Jesus warns us to guard our eyes, to go so far as to "pluck it out" if it causes us to sin, and be holy in all we do- including what we see with our eyes. Remember to guard your eyes from sin.

One way we can do this more effectively is by not just resisting SIN, but fleeing from temptation. By this, we refuse to even put ourselves in a situation where we can be tempted- and this involves the feet taking the eyes a place where the self will be tempted. Avoid places where we see things that displease Him- this may involve being in a room alone with the computer, or going to temptation-ridden place. By placing ourselves in a place where we can be tempted- we've already lost half the battle. A friend recently reminded me of something- people don't fall just because they're weak; they fall because they think they are strong. Flee from temptation.

On the other hand, the eyes have tremendous potential for good and sanctification. I'm not a artist by any standards, but art can also be used to point us toward the things of heaven. Let's explore then, how we can the eyes to glorify Him!
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