we're so lost, so horrible lost with no
hope at all, totally out there, lost at sea. and this is the christian
life- victorious life! john 10:10. you must be joking. salvation? no
wonder the great atheist betrand russel spat at god's "grace" into
life of suffering and pain. look at job! job says himself- god
"slashes my kidneys" and causes me pain with this hard hard life. but
you know what? the joys of salvation- the joy, purposeful living, the
deep convictoins andt he victory over temptation, the communion with
god and believers are only HALF of what SALVATION means. the rest? it
means being forgiven. it's not jsut getting what you don't deserve
()grace), it's also not getting what you deserve (mercy). punishment,
suffering, hell, and eternal serparation from god was what we
deserved, but we were spared that. and we can't truly understand
grace, until we understand our sin. i suggest that we think today,
about our sin! about what we;ve done to wound god, our transgressions.
it's more than violating his laws. we rejected and hurt the most
beautiful being in the universe. but his mercy shines through, sitting
right next to his grace.
hope at all, totally out there, lost at sea. and this is the christian
life- victorious life! john 10:10. you must be joking. salvation? no
wonder the great atheist betrand russel spat at god's "grace" into
life of suffering and pain. look at job! job says himself- god
"slashes my kidneys" and causes me pain with this hard hard life. but
you know what? the joys of salvation- the joy, purposeful living, the
deep convictoins andt he victory over temptation, the communion with
god and believers are only HALF of what SALVATION means. the rest? it
means being forgiven. it's not jsut getting what you don't deserve
()grace), it's also not getting what you deserve (mercy). punishment,
suffering, hell, and eternal serparation from god was what we
deserved, but we were spared that. and we can't truly understand
grace, until we understand our sin. i suggest that we think today,
about our sin! about what we;ve done to wound god, our transgressions.
it's more than violating his laws. we rejected and hurt the most
beautiful being in the universe. but his mercy shines through, sitting
right next to his grace.